Wednesday, October 31, 2012







From the Prophet's Communication Marshall McLuhan who in his main legacy cites the Medium is the Message, in which he predicted the emergence of social networks, and also that in the large projects for all mankind the books are indispensable to the great changes that humanity needs, especially that we are living in relation to global warming and climate change, the proof of this terrible tragedy was caused by Furacao Sandy in several Caribbean Countries and 10 mls of American States, the most affected were New Jersey and New York. We could see real-time Social Networks televisions force of nature that has left millions of people trapped in their homes, thousands of flights canceled, even the millions of sandbags and fences could avoid the force of the winds.

For the first time in human history we can see in real time the force of the winds, blizzard intense fires power plants at the same time. Neither the catastrophes of Hollywood films had thought that all this could exist in fiction but in reality they were and left a trail of deaths, damages estimated at more than U.S. 20 billion dollars and a deep reflection for all 7 billion human beings what can we do to prevent these tragedies caused by forces of nature, whether we should continue with the environmental degradation or unite it with that we will be fighting global warming and climate change.

Leaving also thought of Albert Einstein that emerge when large projects in major crises and the Imagination is stronger than knowledge, we are proposing is that the Random House Publishing and Pearson who joined on the same day that Sandy came Furacao New York, so that our project is transformed into physical and virtual books, games, CDs, DVDs, licensing to be put into practice our Project Awakening Conscience, where educate the 7 billion in Human Beings for Peace, Health, Technology and Sustainability, hence we have all the cities of the world Polite, Humanities, innovative and sustainable, but it should also enlist the help of Architects, Town Planners, climatologists, geographers, biologists, scientists, Schools, Universities, Ngo's, Indigenous communities, Aborigines, Maoris, so we can gather all the knowledge and that will show through Education and Books, Social Networking, newspapers, television, magazines that reach the minds and hearts of all those who want a better world.

Again we use the knowledge of the great Prophet of Communication Marshall McLuhan that in difficult moments of humanity we can not be more spectators, but actors of great change that the world needs.

For this reason we are contacting the two major publishers of books for us to make a planetary partnership, as the world now has 2 billion people connected through Social Networks and the books arrive at 5 billion to the help in the long run.

We in our favor also the Father of the Fight against Global Warming,  Dr. Al Gore  and the Fight against Climate Change Lord Nicholas Stern, and to our delight where our project will become a great documentary by the Big Maos Director James Cameron believed in us and said we should lift up our heads and raise our voices so we can have a better world and a balance between Nature and Life on Planet Earth degraded and battered.

Dear Mr Naisser,
Thank you for the kind words about me in your article below. I have accepted the challenge to try to raise consciousness around the world about this great crisis which is upon us. Most people are not listening, but we must raise our voices. I am still trying to decide the best ways for me to be effective in this fight (aside from making more Avatar movies, which I am now starting to do).
Perhaps we will find a way to work together.
Jim Cameron

He said that we can work together as your message below, then say it's time to unite with Nature and Life, a planetary sustainability for future generations and this, always following the advice of the great Nelson Mandela that guns most powerful we have to change the world and she will come by Education Next Books by and Licensing shall we do with the two big publishers who will also believe in our cause, whose legacy will forever be this and future generations.

One day we must stop dreaming and act in some way, the time is now.

In front, straight on.



Education,  Mandela e Malala.
Heroes and Heroines.      
Religious Intolerance
World Architectes 
Olympiad to Earth Planet. 
Word Day, 
Global Platform. 
After  Durban,  Jose Pedro Naisser 1/3.

Saturday, October 27, 2012





Malala, the world has always solidarity by Pain, already sent to a God who gave us life and a mission on Earth ready for his recuperation, and as President Obama says, by Education should forward,move on, or at legacy Steve Jobs, that we must not acommodate, we should follow our intuition, it will take us to the direction of our heart.

We are fighting for our cause ha time, seeking people who can help us in the great cause, we have directed our minds and hearts messages worldwide, they cross rivers, deserts, seas and air, we have in our favor that even the Social Networks Now not helped us, but they will be invited to join the Love, Life, Environment and the Water and Biodiversity Education the main one that our project so we can have the world's cities Polite, Humanities, innovative and sustainable, We will use the most powerful weapon that the Nobel Peace Prize Nelson Mandela asks that we use is the Education, this is the way.

Let's ask the Great Film Director James Cameron who believes in our cause and says we should raise our voices and say to the world that something big needs to be done, this then your message.

Dear Mr Naisser,
Thank you for the kind words about me in your article below. I have accepted the challenge to try to raise consciousness around the world about this great crisis which is upon us. Most people are not listening, but we must raise our voices. I am still trying to decide the best ways for me to be effective in this fight (aside from making more Avatar movies, which I am now starting to do).
Perhaps we will find a way to work together.
Jim Cameron

On behalf of the Non-Violence Gandhy, the Dream of Martin Luther King, John Lennon's Imagine, Solidarity of the People of Bangladesch George Harrison, the simplicity of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, the struggle for the Preservation of Nature Jacquez Cousteau, we show the world that it is possible for Education avoid the deaths of 45,000 children around the world by lack of water and malnutrition.

We will invite major Heroes and Heroines of the whole world, not by wealth, but by the courage, determination, courage, solidarity so we can put into practice our cause.

We have today in the world 775 million children and young people who have never attended school, they will be included in all 2013, this is our challenge.

The Social Network now has 2 billion people connected world and has 5 billion people who do not know that can help in big way, they will be included in the long journey.

It is time to act, a great meeting in London and in South Africa, we will propose to you Malala, Jose Pedro, Nelson Mandela, Edgar Morin, UN, UNESCO, and James Cameron.

The year 2013 will be the year that we will unite for Love Life, Sustainability Education to Biodiversity, the big challenge is done.

55 41 9122 8673

The change that the world is in need, do not be a spectator, is the protagonist of the cause.
Heroes and Heroines.
Religious Intolerance
World Architectes 
Olympiad to Earth Planet. 
Word Day, 
Global Platform. 
After  Durban,  Jose Pedro Naisser 1/3.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012



Na busca pelas soluções planetárias,  teremos que chegar as mentes e corações daquelas pessoas que ousam, inovam, não se aquietam e ajudam a fazer acontecer e que ganham todas as câmeras, paginas dos jornais, televisões de todo mundo, viram grandes heróis e heroínas, pelo seu feito, porem agora eles terão que nos ajudar nessa longa jornada com os Pés no Chão e gravidade Zero,  e para isso estamos convocando milhoes dos grandes heróis e heroínas que vivem hoje no degradado e combalido Planeta Terra.

1. O Grande Diretor James Cameron, com quem trocamos um grande e-mail, ele disse que poderemos trabalhar juntos então estamos fazendo a ele o grande desafio para trabalharmos juntos, já que a nossa causa está ligada diretamente as 500 maiores Empresas do mundo que se juntarão a nos para que seus produtos, embalagens sejam reciclados por um Selo Ecológico e uma Inovação Planetaria pela Logística Reversa, que funcionara via escolas, universidades, comunidades em todas as cidades do mundo e irão gerar emprego e renda para bilhões de pessoas na Era do Conhecimento, Econômica Criativa, Inteligência Coletiva na Era da  Informação, mas para isso teremos que estar juntos em seu Estúdio em Los Angeles na Califórnia.

O feito maior  do grande Diretor que virou heroi também dos Mares, e dos seus filmes, Titanic e Avatar, pelo projeto Desafio do Mar Profundo, na sua viagem ao fundo do Oceano ocorreu no dia 27.3.12, onde o grande Diretor mergulhou para bater o record mundial,  para o  fundo do mar por 11 kilometros para trazer as imagens que foram vista por aproximadamente 1 bilhão de pessoas, somente agora o homem soube que  dos oceanos  conhece somente 5%, ficando 95% para futuras pesquisas e que sejam preservados a sua Biodiversidade e Ilhas de Corais em todo mundo.

Iremos entrar em contato com os patrocinadores do grande evento para que se juntem a nossa causa, não mais para o fundo, mas sim para a superfície dos 7 mares para que possamos educar todos os navegantes para reduzirmos a poluição, principalmente pelos plásticos que são jogados ao mar e que levam a morte de milhões de pássaros, animais marinhos  e peixes nos oceanos. Navegar é preciso, mas preservar e reciclar são tão importantes quanto à viagem. As grandes companhias de Turismo dos grandes transatlânticos que navegam em viagens de turismo e comercio pelos 7 mares  se juntarão a nos e cada passageiro  sairá da viagem com o compromisso de nos ajudar na preservação da natureza na terra no ar e nos mar, cujos livros chegarão também as mentes e corações dos que permanecem na Terra. Poucos sabem mas com a elevação dos Oceanos produzidos pelo degelo no Pólo Norte e Sul, ira produzir a morte de milhões de pessoas nos Oceanos cuja sentença de morte, pode ser por afogamento, para isso o grande Diretor é indispensável em nossa longa jornada pelos 7 Mares.

2. O Paraquedista Austríaco Felix Baumgartner também virou heroi  no dia 15 de outubro de 2012 ao bater o record mundial de salto em paraquedas, ele foi alem da atmosfera, chegou a estratosfera com 39.045 metros de altura ele pulou da sua Cápsula e também ganhou a Fama de Heroi e foi visto também por 1 bilhão de pessoas no site do  e no seu patrocinador a Red Bull, que agora contabiliza o grande feito pelo investimento  do novo heroi da Estratosfera.

3. Se juntará a nos também a  jovem estudante paquistanesa Malala Yousafzai  que luta agora pela sua vida, ela foi brutalmente baleada por integrantes do Grupo Taleban dia 9 de outubro em represália ao seu ativismo pelo direito das  meninas e mulheres a educação. Daqui enviamos nossas orações pelo seu restabelecimento  de sua saúde, já que será pela Educação  as armas mais poderosas para mudarmos o mundo, segundo o grande Estadista e Nobel da Paz Nelson Mandela.  Contaremos também com o  enviado especial da ONU  para a Educação em todo mundo,o Ex. Primeiro Ministro  Britânico  Gordon Brown que se juntará a nos pela grande causa.

Vivemos hoje na Era do Conhecimento e da Informação, somos 7 bilhões de Seres Humanos, produzimos 4 milhões de toneladas de lixo que somente 10% são reciclados nos Paises Ricos, e nos Paises Pobres a reciclagem chega a 5%, nos Paises Pobres ela não passa de 2%, porem todas as grandes Empresas Multinacionais estão em todos os 202 Paises que formam a ONU, onde suas embalagens e o lixo produzido vão são colocados nos leitos dos rios e  lixões a céu aberto em todo mundo, causando a poluição atmosférica do gás metano que polui 25 vezes mais que o CO2 dos milhões de veículos nas grandes cidades e que levam a morte de milhões de pessoas em todo mundo, os governantes dizem o que deve ser feito,citam indicadores,  e diagnósticos, porem não sabem como reduzir essa enorme tragédia.

O Desafio Maior agora é com relação as Soluções na Superfície da Terra e dos Oceanos. Para isso estamos conclamando os  grandes heróis para que se juntem a nos, para que possamos colocar em pratica a nossa causa que não viajaremos para o fundo do mar ou para a estratosfera, mas sim para Educarmos para a Paz, Saúde, Tecnologia e Sustentabilidade, que será a viagem mais longa do ser humano, para dentro de si mesmo, convocaremos os grandes heróis de todas Olimpíadas, ParaOlimpiadas, Esportistas, Artistas, Biólogos, Cientistas, Arquitetos, Urbanistas, Ecologistas, NGOs, e entregaremos o projeto ao Secretario Geral da ONU,  Ban Ki-Moon, e a Diretora Geral da Unesco em Paris Dra. Irina Bokova e sua Equipe.

Mas para isso teremos que contar também com os patrocinadores que irão acreditar em nossa causa, porque viajaremos  pelos 5 continentes, pelos 7 mares para mostrar que  Ã© possível colocarmos em pratica o pensamento do grande Nobel da Paz e Pessoa Humana, Martin Luther King, que disse um dia que o homem aprendeu a voar como pássaro e a nadar como peixes nos oceanos, só não aprendem a viver e  conviver como irmãos na face da Terra.

A ajuda agora deverá vir também da imprensa mundial, patrocinadores,  redes sociais, porque não podemos mais esperar, nosso Planeta está doente, ele pede nossa ajuda e mais ainda de imediato poderemos evitar a morte de 45.000 crianças que morrem diariamente em todo mundo pela falta de água potável e desnutrição e reciclarmos numa primeira fase  do projeto 35% das 4 milhões de toneladas de lixo produzidas diariamente em todo mundo, com isso também reduziremos em 30% os efeitos do Aquecimento Global e as Mudanças Climáticas, devolvendo assim o gelo nos Pólos Norte e Sul  que neste verão perderam 60% de sua cobertura da  Calota Polar da Groenlândia.

É o tempo do despertar da consciência, não podemos mais ser telespectadores, devemos sim ser os protagonistas da grande mudança não do futuro que queremos, mas sim do presente que podemos.

Dear Mr Naisser,
Thank you for the kind words about me in your article below. I have accepted the challenge to try to raise consciousness around the world about this great crisis which is upon us. Most people are not listening, but we must raise our voices. I am still trying to decide the best ways for me to be effective in this fight (aside from making more Avatar movies, which I am now starting to do).
Perhaps we will find a way to work together.
Jim Cameron

Está feito o convite a todas mentes e corações que querem verdadeiramente um mundo melhor, para esta e as gerações futuras, a viagem será pela revitalização da terra, rios, desertos, ares e mares, somente assim poderemos ter principalmente as cidades de todo mundo mais Educadas, Humanas, Inovadoras e Sustentáveis.

Junte-se a nos, o momento é o agora.

55 41 9122 8673
União Mundial dos Arquitetos 
Olimpíada para o Earth Planet 
Meio Ambiente. 
Youtube  Jose Pedro Naisser 1/3. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012



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In the search for planetary solutions, we must reach the minds and hearts of those who dare, innovate and make things happen and who earn all cameras, pages of newspapers, televisions worldwide, saw great heroes, its done, however now they will have to help us in this long journey with their feet and Zero Gravity, and for that we are calling some of the great heroes who today live in degraded and battered planet Earth.

1. The Great Director James Cameron, with whom he exchanged a great email, he said that we can work together then we're doing it the challenge to work together, because our cause is directly linked to the 500 largest companies in the world to join us for their products, packaging is recycled by a Seal Planetary Ecological and Innovations for Reverse Logistics, who worked through schools, universities, communities in all cities of the world and will generate employment and income for billions of people in the Knowledge Era, Economic Creative, Collective Intelligence in the Information Age, but for that we have to be together in their studio in Los Angeles, California.

The greatest feat of the great Director who also turned hero of the Seas, and their movies, Titanic and Avatar, his trip to the ocean floor occurred on 27/03/12, project,  where the great Director dived to beat the world record for the background oo sea ​​for 11 kilometers to bring the images that were seen by approximately 1 billion people, only now the man knew the oceans knows only 5%, leaving 95% for future research are preserved and that its Biodiversity and Reef Islands around world.

We will contact the sponsors of the big event to join our cause, no more to the bottom, but to the surface of the 7 seas so we can educate all sailors to reduce the pollution, mainly plastics that are thrown by the sea and leading to the death of millions of birds, fish and marine animals in the oceans. Navigating is necessary, but to preserve and recycle is as important as the journey. Large companies Turismo major transatlantic sailing in travel and tourism trade by 7 seas join us and each passenger will leave the trip with a commitment to help us in the preservation of nature on land and in the air in the sea, whose books arrive also the minds and hearts of those who remain on earth. Few know but with the elevation of the oceans produced by melting at the North Pole and South, will produce the death of millions of people in the Oceans whose sentence of death by drowning can be, for it is the great Director indispensable in our long journey by 7 Seas.

2. The Parachutist Austrian Felix Baumgartner also turned hero on October 15, 2012 to beat the world record parachute jump, he was beyond the atmosphere, the stratosphere arrived with 39,045 meters of height he jumped out of his capsule and also won the Fame Hero and was also seen by 1 billion people on the site and his sponsor Red Bull, which now accounts for large investment made by the new hero of the Stratosphere.

3. Join us too young Pakistani student Malala Yousafzai now fighting for her life, she was brutally shot by members of the Group Taliban October 9 in retaliation to his activism for the rights of girls and women to education. From here we send our prayers for his recovery of his health, as it will be by the most powerful weapons Education to change the world, according to the great statesman and Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela. Count also with the UN Special Envoy for Education throughout the world, the  Ex.Prime  Minister,UK, Gordon Brown  who join us for the great cause.

We live today in the age of knowledge and information, we are 7 billion Human Beings produce 4 million tons of junk that only 10% are recycled in Rich Countries, Poor Countries and recycling reaches 5% in Poor Countries not she exceed 2%, however all multinational corporations are in all 202 Countries forming the UN, where their packaging and waste produced vain are placed in riverbeds and ixoes open worldwide, causing pollution of gas atmoferica methane which pollutes 25 times more CO2 than the millions of vehicles in big cities and leading to the death of millions of people worldwide, rulers say what should be done, mentioning indicators and diagnostics, however do not know how to reduce this huge tragedy.

The Biggest Challenge is now in relation to the solutions in the Surface of the Earth and Oceans. For this reason we are calling the great heroes to join us so that we put into practice our cause who does not travel to the seafloor and into the stratosphere, but to educate for Peace, Health, Technology and Sustainability which will be the longest journey of the human being, inside himself, will convene the great heroes of all Olympics, Paralympics sportsmen, artists, biologists, Scientists, Architects, Town Planners, Environmentalists, NGOs, and deliver the project to the Secretary General of Ban Ki-Moon, , and the Director General of  Ms. Irina Bokova in Paris and his team.

But for that we have to count also with sponsors who will believe in our cause because we travel the 5 continents, 7 seas by showing that it is possible to put into practice the thought of the great Nobel Peace Prize and the Human Person, Martin Luther King, disseum day that man learned to fly as a bird and swim like fish in the oceans, not just learn to live as brothers and live on earth.

The help must come now also the world's press, sponsors, social networks, because we can not wait any longer, our planet is sick, he asks our help and more immediately can prevent the deaths of 45,000 children who die every day worldwide lack of clean water and malnutrition and reciclarmos a first phase of the project 35% of 4 million tons of garbage produced daily worldwide, with this also will reduce by 30% the effects of global warming and climate change, thereby returning the ice in the Poles North and South who this summer lost 60% of its coverage of the Greenland Icecap.

It is the time of awakening consciousness, we can not be more viewers, but we must be the protagonists of great change not the future we want, but of this we can.

Dear Mr Naisser,
Thank you for the kind words about me in your article below. I have accepted the challenge to try to raise consciousness around the world about this great crisis which is upon us. Most people are not listening, but we must raise our voices. I am still trying to decide the best ways for me to be effective in this fight (aside from making more Avatar movies, which I am now starting to do).
Perhaps we will find a way to work together.
Jim Cameron

It is the invitation to all minds and hearts that truly want a better world for this and future generations, the trip will be the revitalization of the land, rivers, deserts, seas and air, only then can we have mainly cities worldwide more educated, Humanities, innovative and sustainable.

Join us, the time is now.


The change that the world is in need, do not be a spectator, is the protagonist of the cause.

Religious Intolerance
World Architectes 
Olympiad to Earth Planet.  
Word Day, 
Global Platform. 
After  Durban,  Jose Pedro Naisser 1/3.

Thursday, October 04, 2012




Once again it is proven that the human regrettably has used the tools of communication, social networks and studios to awaken the spread of hatred and violence everywhere in the world, this has happened often in real time. We could see the news of intolerance in relation to film the unknown author who told Sam Bacile to  Associet Press he wanted to create a political provocation and that Islam is a cancer, period, he said.

Calling himself Jewish and Israeli residents in California and then-anonymous with a production of shoddy and amateurish, yet director won all pages of newspapers, magazines, television and social networks in the world, where his film provoked anger and hatred in Middle East, because the video was clearly offensive to the Prophet Muhammad where his presentation on Youtube and Cinemas, caused the death of innocent people, among them the USA ambassador in Libya Christopher Stevens and his embassy officials in Benghazi in Libya, and even Today the violence spreads around the world, to raise further violence the film had the help of the American Pastor Terry Jones, who instead of preaching peace among men, regrettably contributed to awakening wrong aa anger and hatred among people.

The East claims that the film Innocence Muslims "was ridiculous and a clear insult to the Islamic prophet Muhammad and the disgraceful scenes of violence and inversion of values ​​such as those prepared by the tragic film director Sam also Bacile and their investors who managed in full XXI century, cause moments of upheaval in many Middle Eastern Countries and the followers of the Prophet Muhammad.

The West regrettably claimed that the film was used Freedom of Expression and did not expect a response as great as occurred with the presentation of the tragic movie with insults to the Prophet Muhammad and the Islamic People. Unfortunately the supposed use of the Freedom of Expression caused the death of innocent people as the American Ambassador and his staff, would this Freedom that the world wants today, where violence allegedly dressed in freedom causes death instead of life, unfortunately the world today coexists with urban violence, which affects all the countries of the world and now also with the Racial Intolerance, Religious and immigration.

This wave of protests and violence after the video about Muhammad reveals another reality of religious intolerance: The Faith and Values ​​of the East West conflict in a public square Global, words of journalist Nathan Gardels, editor of the respected newspaper in Global Viewpoint your article of September 17 titled Technology of Disinformation.

Something needs to be done to that violence and intolerance in real time does not exceed the Love and Peace among Peoples, preached throughout the ages by the prophets as Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, Moses throughout the history of mankind today in the XXI century, we can not put into practice a thought of Martin Luther King, who learned to fly like birds and swim like fish in the rivers and oceans, however we can not live as brothers and live in degraded and battered planet Earth.
Of Religious Intolerance pass now to the Degradation of the Environment Urban Violence, Hunger, Poverty, Unemployment across all Countries of the World, no futuristic, Management Gurus and economists present practices and innovative solutions to the problems that afflict all mankind, especially in European Union today that unemployment among young people below 25 years, trained in higher education have already reached 55%, the total unemployed in general in the EU is 25 million with a tendency to increase in 2013.

As we explain in the world today that 2.17 billion humans using coal as an energy source for their homes instead of cooking gas, 45,000 children die every day from lack of clean water and malnutrition.

Regarding the Environment, the part where we know more is that the world continues producing 4,000,000 million tons daily urban waste, the Rulers spend $ 3 trillion dollars to collect, transport and deposition in places not always appropriate .

In Rich Countries they come to recycle 20% in Poor Countries and Emerging recycling is only 3%, cite two cities in Brazil that unfortunately recycle only 3% of 17,000. tons produced by Sao Paulo and 9,000 tons produced by Rio de Janeiro, host of the next Olympics in 2016, presented proposals for recycling to the rulers of the two great cities and received no response.

As we live unfortunately also the effects of Global Warming and Climate Change, we see the tragedies caused by prolonged drought caused by droughts, causing losses of billions of dollars to all U.S. farmers, thereby affecting world trade food for 7 billion humans.

We also had the record caused the melting in the Arctic where the end of summer in the Northern Hemisphere ice sheet covered only 24% of the surface of the ocean, scientists, climatologists warned the rulers and the UN, something needs to be done to prevent the melting in North and South Poles will produce an increase in the Oceans where the death sentence for billions of people will be drowning, unfortunately nothing is being done to prevent the tragedy of Climate Change, cites Lord Nicholas Stern, creator of the fight against climate change .

Specialists in Waste Management and Urban Trash the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands have concluded that the studies reciclarmos 30% of 4,000,000 tonnes of garbage Urban worldwide, we can avoid immediately reducing emissions of greenhouse gases 56 % as methane gas from landfills and dumps are responsible exhausted into the atmosphere by playing 31.6 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions, where methane gas pollutes 25 times more than CO2 produced by vehicles, and aviation industries.

For that reason is that we are directing our messages to the World Press, Social Networks help us in the struggle to put in practice our project of Peace Education, Health, Technology and Sustainability, as it can with the Green Seal and Reverse Logistics begin the Urban Waste Recycling and Waste to everyone and we will have the 500 largest companies that produce packaging, batteries, light bulbs and electronic waste, with that we have in 2013, becoming cities worldwide but Polite, Humanities, Innovative and Sustainable.

We will now seek the help of all those who truly want a better world for themselves and future generations, especially the help of the great scientists, climatologists, biologists, ecologists, economists, Architects, Town Planners, whose project will be delivered in the UN and UNESCO, to show the world that now we can no longer be spectators rather than actors of change and the Planet asks us put the big project The Awakening of Consciousness, which will become a great documentary by Hands, Mind and Heart of the great Film Director, James Cameron's film Avatar, told us in 2011 that we can work together in a great story, that no longer will use fiction to reality, but we take the Seventh Art Cinema and Social Networks a great documentary, and call immediately for the Young everyone to join our cause, the Occupy movements in the USA, the Indignados of Puerta Del Sol in Spain, Portugal and Drag Generation of millions of young Arab Spring, as the youth of Tahrir Square in Egypt, that this Instead we will use the teachings and legacy of Prophet Muhammad, to show the world that you can put into practice by the Education for Peace, Health, Technology and Sustainability the designs of one God for a better world for this and Future Generations.

Message to receive to Great Movie Director of Avatar and Titanic.
James Cameron.

Dear Mr Naisser,

Thank you for the kind words about me in your article below. I have accepted the challenge to try to raise consciousness around the world about this great crisis Which is upon us. Most people are not listening, but we must raise our voices. I am still trying to decide the best ways for me to be effective in this fight (aside from making more Avatar movies, Which I am now starting to do).
Perhaps we will find a way to work together.

Jim Cameron

To reach the minds and hearts of all those who believe in God are, we searched the legacy and teachings of the prophets that his time spent in the Earth and will inspire, motivate, empower billions of human beings to seek solutions to Peace by Education we have a world in Balance with Nature and Life.

The Media, Social Networks, has a decisive role to publicize our cause, and put into practice what prophet also thinking of Communication and Innovation Marshall McLuhan that "the medium is the message."

This text will be translated into all languages ​​and dialects listed on, only then can we reach the minds and hearts of all peoples of East and West, it will propagate the great cause whose multipliers are all that truly want a better world.



Global Platform. 
TWITER @Globalecologist